SMWS US Imports In Conversation With: Alan Shayne, SMWS USA

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Alan Shayne introduced the Scotch Malt Whisky Society (SMWS) to the United States, bringing the exclusive international membership club and some of Scotland's finest whiskies to American shores and their whisky enthusiasts. We had the pleasure of sitting down with him to discuss his remarkable journey...


First of all, can you tell us a bit about the Scotch Malt Whisky Society?

The Scotch Malt Whisky Society is a prestigious, international, private membership club, whose members are discerning enthusiasts of the finest single cask, cask strength, single malt Scotch whisky.


How did you first encounter SMWS?

My first encounter with the Society was in 1993 when an industry associate introduced me to Mr. Philip “Pip” Hills, the founder of the Society.


There are many whisky clubs in the U.S. and throughout the world - what drew you to the SMWS in particular?

At the time there were no other “whisky clubs” in the USA. I was particularly attracted to the Society because they were the real thing! They were a members club that one was pleased to pay to join, because of the quality of the whisky and the ethos and integrity of the organization.


How did the SMWS start in the U.S.? Was there initially big interest or was it a challenge?

We launched the Society in America, with the understanding that US regulations regarding beverage alcohol were challenging, in respect to offering our whiskies to members only. Having figured it out with the help of the best liquor attorneys, I inherently knew this was a great opportunity. When the Forbes Magazine family heard of what I was doing and we formed a strategic alliance. They published articles about us, which resulted in a demand for memberships, beginning the journey. The challenges were many, however we overcame them, membership grew and we created the first national series of whisky tastings of Single Malt Scotch throughout the country, The Whisky Extravaganza, focusing on the entire category. Naturally, many attendee’s chose to join The Society.


How has that evolved today?

Although I no longer serve in a business capacity with the Society, I’m pleased to participate in Society members events . The Society continues to grow and now offers its members, fine spirits at cask strength, from  other categories of distilled spirits.


How is whisky selected for SMWS America? Are there trends we wouldn’t be familiar with in Scotland?

The Society selects casks in the original manner, by our tasting committee, who blindly tastes the malts we have access to. Once selected, for the most part, a portion of those cask are offered to each branch throughout the world.


Do you have a most memorable whisky moment?

Fortunately, I’ve had a great many whisky moments. The one I recall most vividly was when Pip invited me to visit The Society in the UK. My first stop was London, to attend a members tasting at the Plaza Athenea. I t blew my mind to see members interactions with each other and then purchase bottles of the tasted whiskies at the event. We then traveled to various coastal distilleries on a very old trawler. After enjoying a tour of the Springbank Distillery  in Campbelltown and a lovely dinner at local pub afterward, we headed back to the boat. There was a raging storm in progress and I suggested we sleep dockside on the boat. Having been overruled, we set sail for Islay. It was a very scary experience, so I went below deck and consumed a good amount of a Society Caol Ila bottling, then passing out. Awakening at day daybreak, I put on a pot of strong coffee, went above deck and encountered a cold and shivering crew. I sent them below, and maneuvered the boat to the harbor at Port Ellen. We docked the boat and enjoyed a warm, welcoming traditional Scottish breakfast and went on to visit a number of Islay’s foremost distilleries.

Port EllenPort Ellen, in nicer weather than experienced by Allen


What do you find most exciting in the world of whisky at the moment?

The most exciting thing about whisky today is that those new to experience, are still attracted to the category despite the continual changes that occur.  American Bourbon, over the past 20 years has been quite the rage on our side of the ocean. I’ve been the industry for over half a century and changes are constant. The goal of whisky enthusiast is to sample expressions from all the categories. Yet somehow, a great many will revert back to Scotch whiskies, as their flavors, unique characteristics, and cultural connections remain most alluring. Whisky is far more than a drink, it’s an opportunity for camaraderie, to connect and share experiences with likeminded people.


An incredible selection of SMWS U.S. import bottles are available in our May 2024 auction. For more information about the company, their number system and more, explore our article. Whisky Auctioneer regularly welcomes rare and collectible SMWS expressions in our monthly auctions. Browse all past and present SMWS lots or contact us if you are interested in selling a bottle.